Is "Free Professional Translation" a Reality?

17/09/2023 11:00

Have you ever wondered if you could get "free professional translation"?

Let's explore this intriguing question and discover what lies behind the notion of free translation.


The Free vs. Professional Dilemma

You probably know that "free translation" typically means machine translation (MT). But you also recognize that free often comes with a hidden cost –

The risk of poor-quality translation that can have serious consequences for your business.


On the flip side, while professional human translation offers the quality you need, you might be concerned about the cost. So, the question lingers: Can you actually find free professional translation?


The Paradox

The words "free" and "professional" might seem like an odd pairing. After all, "professional" implies a certain standard of quality, backed by education, training, experience, and certification, all of which require investments of time and money. To illustrate, consider the case of a financial services contract translation. The professional translator assigned to this task has likely dedicated at least a decade to acquiring the necessary qualifications and expertise.

So, is it reasonable to expect professional translation for free?


The Reality of "Free"

Let's take a closer look at the concept of "free."

While some services may appear free on the surface, there's often a catch. Take this website, for instance. It's free but comes with limitations and advertising. If you desire a fully functional, ad-free website, you'd need to opt for a paid plan. In essence,

"free" doesn't always mean there's no cost involved.


The Quest for Quality and Affordability

So, what options do you have for "free professional translation"?

Typically, you're limited to sample translations from professional translation companies, often with volume restrictions. However, if your aim is high-quality translations by experienced professionals at affordable rates, your focus should shift to finding the best value for your translation project. Most Japanese translation companies are eager to work with you to identify ways to reduce costs. It's worth noting that the translation industry is highly competitive, and many companies offer incentives and are open to rate negotiations to win your business.


The Goal

In conclusion, "free professional translation" might be more of a freebie with a "you get what you pay for" caveat. On the other hand, affordable professional translation is within reach. If you're seeking reliable and cost-effective professional Japanese translation, click here for our affordable options.



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